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Featuring: Gay Bread Loaf Vermont - Join Our 100% Free Site Now!

Gay Bread Loaf Vermont - Meet them for Free!

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Looking for fwb

Age 29 From Addison, Vermont - Online Yesterday
Man Seeking A Man (577 Miles Away)

Looking for hot man for regular basis intimate encounters

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hey guyslookiking for some fun

Age 52 From Bellows Falls, Vermont - Online Now
Man Seeking A Man (587 Miles Away)

looking for a laid back guy that possible dateing and fwb and see where things go

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Hello out there

Age 51 From Brattleboro, Vermont - Online Yesterday
Man Seeking A Man (570 Miles Away)

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single college boy

Age 36 From Burlington, Vermont - Online Today
Man Seeking A Man (589 Miles Away)

Hey, 18, in college, and looking to meet cool guys, possibly a boyfriend.

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What you see is what you get

Age 46 From Burlington, Vermont - Online Yesterday
Man Seeking A Man (589 Miles Away)

hate to toot my own horn, but toot toot! Nah seriously, I'm a pretty chill guy who likes to spend some nights at home, some nights out on the town. I have a variety of interests, too many to list within the characters they give me. I like to think of...

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